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Our Brand

Engage Your Locals with A Brand Known Around the World for Out of this World Logisitics.

Being a Responsible Company

We’ve always believed that businesses can — and should — have a positive impact on the communities (and indeed the world) they serve.
And it’s our goal for all of our dispatchers to be run under the highest standards of quality, using ethical and equal training and employment practices and responsible  work environments. We think it’s a better business that also helps create a better future for spacers and a more stable climate for advancing our civilization. 

Ethical Sourcing Guidelines

With the help of Empowering PEACE Foundation, we’ve developed ethical employment guidelines that help us recruit future dispatchers that are responsibly taught and ethically aligned. Learn more »

Investing in Tomorrow

We’re working directly with the InterPlanetary Fund Management Group to build a portfolio of responsible space companies to grow the ecosystem as needed while  investing in the localities to ensure a sustainable future of space. 

Our Commitment to our Partners

We support projects that help improve the future of space exploration. That’s why we so carefully select the dispatch partners we bring into our brand for our stores and continually evaluate our suppliers for their commitment to social responsibility.